MxVault Email Protection & Archiving
Intelligent email archiving and protection
for company-wide security and compliance
A complete service for which scans for and quarantines malware attachments and spam, and detects phishing attacks before they happen.
MxVault explained
MxVault offers the latest intel on spam and virus outbreaks, real-time database and user synchronisation, based on processing well over five billion messages. It relies on proprietary self-learning smart technologies to eliminate spam, virus, phishing and malware attacks. MxVault also functions as a full email archiving system.

Complete protection
For most companies email has become more than just a communication medium.
Yet, for all its advantages, the growing volume and dependence on email the fact is that 96% of the world’s email traffic is spam. Mail protection from viruses, spam and malware is imperative for any business. MxVault provides advanced filtering algorithms and spam pattern detection to eliminate 99.98% of all inbound, unsolicited bulk email.
MxVault uses SMTP and Data Level Filtering to avoid false positive identification of malware and spam. MxVault is one of the world’s best anti-spam solution with the most advanced filtering algorithms and spam pattern identification of spam ensuring a cleaner mailbox.
MxVault email archiving is the essential tool for compliance and e-discovery, with unlimited capacity for 10 years’ worth of emails available via an instant access portal.
What you need to know…
All customers benefit from MxVault Email Protection
Taking pressure off the customers’ IT department, or saving money on outsourced technicians. Employees will not have to deal with daily spam messages anymore and will save valuable time to focus on what they are good at.
MxVault protects your network against all email based security threats by applying its proprietary self-learning smart technologies to filter all incoming email, eliminating spam before it reaches the network.
MxVault’s outgoing filtering systems secure all IP ranges from blacklisting and save the network reputation.
MxVault’s outgoing filter will prevent forwarding on malware and phishing mails, keeping your domain out of IP blacklists for other spam filters.
Eliminate risk of lost email and productivity from downtime by having Immediate, secured access to email during outages.
With our outgoing filter service you can get clear and concise reports indicating which users’ accounts require your attention, automatically locking them.
MxVault retains email records for compliance and business use, stored on Global Micro’s local datacentre and cloud servers where they can be accessed securely at any time.

Certifications & Recognition
Our team of experts are trained and certified to deal with any challenge or regulatory framework whilst ensuring operational excellence.